Baby goats!

I could talk about where we got them, and the amazing generosity that enabled us to to have them, but I’m exhausted, so I think I will just do a giant photo dump instead.

Portland sunset skyline

Daddy goat

He didn’t smell at all, but apparently they wash him with dog shampoo a lot.

Mama goat to the red and white buckling. Sorry about the low quality photos, but the flash spooked them so I took the photos in dim light.

Red and white buckling on the right. He belongs to DragonMonkey, who named him “Patches”.

More of Patches

This is the mama to the twin doelings. She has blue eyes, but every photo of her with her eyes open was way too blurry to bother sharing.

I have to admit, I’m jealous I didn’t get to pick a goat for myself. Being a “fair mom” is hard sometimes. I wanted to take first pick of the doelings as mine (solid red with blue eyes is such a cool color! I want Squid’s doeling). , and leave them with whatever two I didn’t want.

I understand it doesn’t matter whose goat it is technically, that we will all love and care for them ….. but my inner-8-year-old doesn’t agree.

This is doeling #1. Doeling #1 is technically registered in DragonMonkey’s name in case he wants to show her at 4-H this year.

“Family doeling” also has blue eyes.

Basically, the breeder thought he should have the buckling, since he’s the only one old enough to do 4-H this year, and the buckling is nice enough to maybe win some ribbons, etc.

Since DragonMonkey got to have his name on the papers of two goats, I gave Squid first choice of the doelings, and then this other doeling is kind of the family goat, albeit registered in DM’s name.

If we decide for some reason the buckling/probably-a-soon-to-be-wether is not a good fit for us because we want only females, then DM will still have a doeling.

He’s so in love with the buckling because I’ve been very careful to to it s “his” goat her the “family goat” to try make everything fair, I sincerely doubt that will happen.

And then the final baby goat, little sister to the one above. She belongs to Squid. She’s the smallest, and a blue-eyed solid red with a couple of moonspots. He hasn’t thought of a name yet.

Only two days difference between these kids.

And here are some videos of our first bottle feeding:

The downstairs fencing we have will keep them in maybe a couple of days more (if we’re lucky) without a lid, but we have a fully enclosed 12×12 shelterlogic corral we’re making goat proof this weekend.

They are so small they’re basically hawk-bait at the moment, so they can’t roam freely until they’re a little bigger.

This was a good decision- maybe not time wise or sanity wise, but joy wise it was a GREAT decision, and sometimes we all need a little more joy in our lives.

And now, off to bed, because I now have SEVEN KIDS to get ready in the morning before I leave for work.

1 thought on “Baby goats!

  1. Baby goats are The Best!! I bottle raised so many when I was a kid, and showed them in 4-H. Dairy goats. I do miss them. What a great idea for your family!

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