
Hey, you all remember Cotton and Rocky right?

I mean, who can forget Rocky?



Triple Droooool.

Anyways, my friend Bunnygal really liked the way Rocky’s first filly was turning out, so last year she bred him again (I can hear the voice of Fugly in my head, so I’d like to point out that Rocky is 9 and this is only his second foal) and last Sunday Cotton foaled a pretty little bay (Bay roan? Who really knows until they shed out?) filly.

And since we all love baby pictures, enjoy the cuteness!

Pardon the bloodiness on the above photos, but the filly was less than an hour old.

She got cuter by the next morning, although she still had that “just escaped from the womb” look.

…..and it’s naptime.

So, there you go. Your cuteness quota should be met for the day. You’re welcome.

5 thoughts on “Baby!

  1. What if my cuteness quota isn’t met? Can you get a photo of the foal AND a duckling, TOGETHER?

    Why yes, my cuteness quota is needy.

    (Okay, I lie. Very very cute.)

  2. Veronica is right: we need more pictures of the foal.

    And also the Squidglet (which my spellchecker refuses to allow).

    And also DM.

    We are all very cuteness-deprived out here in the blogosphere!

  3. Given our weather conditions(aaaand another storm moving in-damn, no rain yet today, how will we survive) I think we need all the cuteness on all fronts. Skip the duck, do not want ducks!

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