Knott’s Mother’s Day Brunch: Please Don’t Steal the Food

Hey, everyone!  I wrote up about my morning at the Knott’s Berry Farm Mother’s Day Brunch, but I posted it as a guest post over at California Mom Bloggers.

I have no idea what the protocol is when you post somewhere else… do you only post it over there?  Are you allowed to post it on your own site?

Eh, I’m confused.  I think I’ll just give you the link:

If you don’t want the hassle of clicking over to another site, I understand, so here’s the run down:  I got some free food, it was good, I ate too much, I’m a winner, my mom’s a thief, and I now own a chicken lamp.

There.  See how nice I am?  You’re welcome.

9 thoughts on “Knott’s Mother’s Day Brunch: Please Don’t Steal the Food

  1. Great blog, Becky. I can tell you were on your best-guest-blogger-manners when you wrote it 😉 Hey, Ill take you to the Mother’s Day Brunch if you’ll take me? That works, doesn’t it? (Is it only on Mothers Day or lots of days on and near Mother’s Day?) I, too, love the chicken lamp. reason would be excited about it because it looks a lot like Chicken Little, who is one of her favorite characters at the moment.

  2. Oh, Bad Pants would be so unhappy if I brought home a chicken lamp! He seems to have this thing against chicken kitsch. So, I guess I have to collect the real thing!

    That horse screen? You can get that as a framed photo. I want to say that either or has it available, with a much smaller price tag, I imagine.

    I love the carrot squirrel. I don’t think I could have resisted buying him for my good friend, Squirrel Gurl. She’s getting married soon. Maybe he’d make an awesome present?

    Glad you had a good time!

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